What is Sales Acceleration? – Tools and Tactics Included

Are you tired of sluggish sales cycles dragging down your business growth? You’re not alone. For sales managers and leaders, navigating the complexities of the sales process can be hectic.

Did you know that for larger B2B sales, it typically takes anywhere from 6 to 9 months to close a deal?

That’s a long time to wait for results. Is there another way?

In this guide, we’ll dive into the world of sales acceleration, arming you with essential tools and tactics to turbocharge your sales efforts.

Say goodbye to sluggish sales and hello to rapid growth! Let’s dive in and unlock the secrets to success.

What is the Sales Acceleration?

Sales acceleration is the process of speeding up the sales cycle to achieve faster results and increased revenue. It involves utilizing strategies, tools, and tactics to streamline the sales process, from prospecting to closing deals.

By optimizing various aspects of sales operations, such as lead generation, qualification, and follow-up, businesses can shorten the time it takes to convert prospects into customers. Sales acceleration aims to boost efficiency, improve productivity, and maximize the effectiveness of sales teams.

Ultimately, it empowers companies to achieve their sales goals more quickly and efficiently, driving rapid growth and success in competitive markets.

One example of sales acceleration is implementing automated email outreach campaigns. Instead of manually reaching out to leads one by one, sales teams can use software to send personalized email sequences automatically.

These emails can be tailored to specific stages of the sales funnel, delivering relevant content and follow-ups to prospects at the right time. By automating this process, sales reps can engage with more leads simultaneously, increasing the likelihood of conversions and accelerating the sales cycle.

This tactic saves time, boosts productivity, and allows sales teams to focus on high-value activities, ultimately driving faster results and revenue growth.

Why is Sales Acceleration Important?

Here are some points highlighting the importance of sales acceleration for businesses:

1. Faster Revenue Generation

Accelerating the sales process involves identifying and implementing strategies to shorten the time it takes to convert leads into paying customers. This could include streamlining the sales funnel, improving lead qualification processes, or leveraging technology such as CRM software and automation tools.

Quicker conversions mean revenue is generated at a faster rate, providing the company with a more immediate return on investment and enhancing financial stability.

2. Competitive Advantage

In today’s competitive business landscape, speed is often a key differentiator. Companies that can close deals swiftly gain an edge over competitors who have longer sales cycles. By efficiently moving prospects through the sales pipeline, businesses can capitalize on opportunities before rivals have a chance to intervene.

This competitive advantage allows companies to secure market share, attract new customers, and maintain a leading position in their industry.

3. Improved Efficiency

Sales acceleration techniques focus on optimizing workflows and eliminating bottlenecks in the sales process. By automating repetitive tasks, standardizing procedures, and providing sales teams with the right tools and resources, businesses can operate more efficiently.

This increased efficiency translates into time savings, reduced costs, and higher productivity. Sales representatives can dedicate more time to engaging with prospects, nurturing relationships, and closing deals, rather than being bogged down by administrative tasks.

4. Better Customer Experience

Shortening the sales cycle not only benefits the company but also enhances the experience for prospective customers. When the sales process is streamlined and efficient, prospects spend less time waiting for information, making decisions, and finalizing purchases.

This improved experience leads to higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty. By providing a positive buying journey, businesses can foster stronger relationships with customers, increase retention rates, and generate positive word-of-mouth referrals.

5. Increased Scalability

Optimizing sales processes enables businesses to handle larger volumes of leads and transactions without sacrificing quality or efficiency. By implementing scalable solutions such as CRM systems, sales automation tools, and standardized processes, companies can manage growth more effectively.

This scalability allows businesses to expand their operations, enter new markets, and pursue additional revenue streams without overburdening their sales teams or compromising customer service. As a result, the business can sustain its growth trajectory and remain competitive in the long term.

8 Ways To Accelerate Sales Process

1. Prospecting Tools

Prospecting tools help sales teams identify and target potential customers efficiently. These tools can include databases, prospecting software, and social media monitoring platforms, enabling reps to find and connect with qualified leads more effectively.

2. Lead Scoring

Lead scoring assigns values to leads based on their likelihood to convert into customers. By prioritizing leads with higher scores, sales reps can focus their efforts on prospects who are more likely to make a purchase, accelerating the sales cycle and improving conversion rates.

3. Lead Routing

Lead routing ensures that leads are distributed to the most appropriate sales reps or teams based on predefined criteria such as geography, industry, or product expertise. This ensures that leads are handled promptly and by the most qualified individuals, reducing response times and increasing the likelihood of successful conversions.

4. Contact Management

Contact management tools help sales teams organize and maintain their customer and prospect data efficiently. These tools typically include features such as contact segmentation, email integration, and activity tracking, allowing reps to manage relationships effectively and stay organized throughout the sales process.

5. Sales Engagement

Sales engagement platforms enable reps to engage with prospects across multiple channels, including email, phone, and social media, in a personalized and timely manner. By automating outreach and follow-up tasks, sales engagement tools help reps nurture relationships more effectively and move prospects through the sales funnel faster.

6. Sales Dialers

Sales dialers automate the process of making outbound calls, enabling reps to connect with prospects quickly and efficiently. These tools often include features such as click-to-dial functionality, call recording, and voicemail drop, allowing reps to make more calls in less time and accelerate the prospecting and qualification process.

7. Sales Activity Trackers

Sales activity trackers monitor and analyze sales team performance, providing insights into key metrics such as calls made, emails sent, and meetings scheduled. By tracking these activities in real-time, sales managers can identify areas for improvement, coach reps more effectively, and ensure that the sales team remains focused on high-impact activities.

8. Sales Forecasting and Analytics

Sales forecasting and analytics tools use historical data and predictive modeling to forecast future sales performance accurately. By analyzing trends, identifying patterns, and evaluating the effectiveness of sales strategies, these tools help sales teams make informed decisions, allocate resources efficiently, and optimize their sales processes for maximum effectiveness and efficiency.

Best Sales Acceleration Tools

1. Prospecting Tools: LinkedIn Sales Navigator

What it is: LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a specialized tool designed to help sales professionals find and connect with potential leads on the LinkedIn platform.


  • Advanced search and filtering options to identify prospects based on criteria like industry, company size, and job title.
  • Insights into prospect activity and engagement on LinkedIn, such as recent posts and connections.
  • InMail messaging capabilities to reach out to prospects directly.
  • Integration with CRM systems for seamless lead management and tracking.

Who uses it: LinkedIn Sales Navigator is utilized by sales professionals across various industries, including B2B companies, recruiters, and freelancers, who rely on LinkedIn as a primary platform for networking and lead generation.

Final Thoughts: LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a valuable tool for sales professionals looking to leverage the extensive network of LinkedIn for prospecting and lead generation. Its advanced search and filtering capabilities, coupled with insights into prospect activity, make it an essential tool for building and nurturing relationships with potential customers.

Pricing: LinkedIn Sales Navigator offers several subscription plans, starting at $64.99 per month for the Professional plan and $103.33 per month for the Team plan. Additionally, there is an Enterprise plan available for larger organizations with custom pricing.

2. Lead Scoring: HubSpot

What it is: HubSpot is a comprehensive inbound marketing and sales software platform that offers powerful lead scoring capabilities.


  • Assign scores to leads based on interactions with marketing content.
  • Track website engagement and demographic information for lead scoring.
  • Prioritize leads for sales outreach based on their likelihood to convert.
  • Improve efficiency by focusing efforts on high-quality leads.

Who uses it: HubSpot’s lead scoring functionality is utilized by businesses of all sizes across various industries, including B2B and B2C companies looking to optimize their sales processes and improve conversion rates.

Final Thoughts: HubSpot’s lead scoring feature is an integral part of its all-in-one marketing and sales platform, providing businesses with valuable insights into lead quality and helping them allocate resources effectively. By identifying and prioritizing high-value leads, businesses can streamline their sales efforts and drive greater success.

Pricing: HubSpot offers a range of pricing plans starting from $50 per month for their Starter plan, which includes basic lead scoring features. More advanced lead scoring capabilities are available in their Professional and Enterprise plans, starting from $800 and $3,200 per month, respectively. Custom pricing is also available for larger businesses with specific needs.

3. Lead Routing: Salesforce

What it is: Salesforce is a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform that includes powerful lead routing features to ensure leads are assigned to the most suitable sales representatives automatically.


  • Automated lead assignment based on predefined criteria like geography, industry, or lead source.
  • Efficient distribution of leads to the right sales reps, ensuring prompt follow-up and personalized engagement.
  • Customizable routing rules to accommodate complex sales structures and workflows.
  • Integration with other Salesforce CRM features for seamless lead management and tracking.

Who uses it: Salesforce’s lead routing capabilities are utilized by businesses of all sizes and industries, from small startups to large enterprises, looking to optimize their sales processes and improve lead conversion rates.

Final Thoughts: Salesforce’s lead routing functionality streamlines the lead management process by automating the assignment of leads to the most suitable sales representatives. This ensures that leads receive timely follow-up and personalized attention, ultimately driving higher conversion rates and sales effectiveness.

Pricing: Salesforce offers various pricing plans for its CRM platform, including Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, and Unlimited editions. Lead routing features are available in all editions, with pricing starting from $25 per user per month for Essentials and ranging up to $300 per user per month for Enterprise. Custom pricing is also available for larger organizations with specific needs.

4. Contact Management: Salesforce CRM

What it is: Salesforce CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a cloud-based software solution that provides robust contact management capabilities to help businesses store, organize, and manage customer and prospect data effectively.


  • Centralized platform for storing and accessing customer and prospect information.
  • Customizable fields and layouts to capture relevant details for each contact.
  • Activity tracking to monitor interactions, such as emails, calls, meetings, and notes.
  • Integration with other Salesforce CRM features, such as sales forecasting, lead management, and campaign tracking.

Who uses it: Salesforce CRM’s contact management capabilities are utilized by businesses across industries, including sales teams, customer support departments, marketing teams, and business development professionals, who rely on maintaining accurate and up-to-date customer data to drive business growth and success.

Final Thoughts: Salesforce CRM’s contact management functionality provides businesses with a centralized platform to store and organize customer and prospect data, enabling teams to access valuable insights and track interactions effectively. With customizable fields and robust activity tracking features, Salesforce CRM empowers organizations to build stronger customer relationships and drive revenue growth.

Pricing: Salesforce offers various pricing plans for its CRM platform, including Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, and Unlimited editions. Contact management features are available in all editions, with pricing starting from $25 per user per month for Essentials and ranging up to $300 per user per month for Enterprise. Custom pricing is also available for larger organizations with specific needs.

5. Sales Engagement: Outreach

What it is: Outreach is a top-tier sales engagement platform designed to streamline and personalize outreach efforts across various channels, including email, phone, and social media.


  • Sequence automation allows users to create personalized outreach sequences for different stages of the sales process.
  • Multichannel communication capabilities enable outreach via email, phone calls, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms.
  • Advanced analytics provide insights into outreach performance, engagement rates, and response metrics.
  • Seamless CRM integration ensures that all communication and engagement data is synchronized with the CRM system for centralized tracking and reporting.

Who uses it: Outreach is utilized by sales teams in a wide range of industries, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, looking to streamline their sales processes, increase efficiency, and drive engagement with prospects and customers.

Final Thoughts: Outreach is a powerful sales engagement platform that empowers sales teams to automate and personalize outreach efforts across multiple channels. With its advanced features such as sequence automation, multichannel communication, and robust analytics, Outreach enables sales professionals to optimize their sales processes, improve engagement rates, and drive better outcomes.

Pricing: Outreach offers various pricing plans tailored to the needs of different organizations, with pricing available upon request. Plans typically include features such as sequence automation, multichannel communication, analytics, and CRM integration. Custom pricing is also available for larger enterprises with specific requirements.

6. Sales Dialers: Five9

What it is: Five9 is a cloud-based contact center software renowned for its robust sales dialer solution, designed to enhance sales team efficiency and effectiveness.


  • Click-to-dial functionality enables sales reps to initiate calls with a single click, reducing dialing time and increasing productivity.
  • Power dialing automatically dials a list of contacts, helping sales reps connect with more prospects in less time.
  • Automatic call logging captures call details and outcomes, streamlining record-keeping and ensuring accurate activity tracking.
  • Real-time reporting and analytics provide insights into call performance, agent productivity, and campaign effectiveness.

Who uses it: Five9’s sales dialer solution is utilized by sales teams across industries, including telesales, inside sales, and outbound calling teams, aiming to maximize call volume and improve sales performance.

Final Thoughts: Five9’s sales dialer solution offers a comprehensive suite of features to empower sales reps to make more calls efficiently and effectively. With its user-friendly interface, automation capabilities, and real-time analytics, Five9 helps sales teams optimize their outbound calling efforts, drive greater engagement with prospects, and achieve better results.

Pricing: Five9 offers a range of pricing plans tailored to the needs of different businesses, with pricing available upon request. Plans typically include features such as click-to-dial functionality, power dialing, call logging, and reporting. Custom pricing is also available for larger enterprises with specific requirements.

7. Sales Activity Trackers: InsightSquared

What it is: InsightSquared is a leading provider of sales analytics and activity tracking software, enabling businesses to monitor and analyze key sales metrics to improve performance.


  • Comprehensive tracking of key sales activities, including calls made, emails sent, meetings scheduled, and more.
  • Intuitive dashboards and reports provide real-time insights into sales performance and trends.
  • Customizable metrics and KPIs allow businesses to track performance against specific goals and objectives.
  • Forecasting capabilities enable businesses to predict future sales performance and identify opportunities for improvement.

Who uses it: InsightSquared’s sales activity tracking capabilities are utilized by sales managers, executives, and sales teams across industries, looking to gain visibility into their sales processes, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to improve performance.

Final Thoughts: InsightSquared’s sales activity tracking software offers businesses comprehensive insights into their sales performance, enabling them to identify areas for improvement and drive better results. With its intuitive dashboards, customizable metrics, and forecasting capabilities, InsightSquared empowers organizations to optimize their sales processes, increase productivity, and achieve their revenue goals.

Pricing: InsightSquared offers various pricing plans tailored to the needs of different organizations, with pricing available upon request. Plans typically include features such as activity tracking, dashboards, reporting, and forecasting. Custom pricing is also available for larger enterprises with specific requirements.

8. Sales Forecasting and Analytics: Tableau

What it is: Tableau is a leading data visualization and analytics platform that empowers businesses to analyze sales data, forecast trends, and make informed, data-driven decisions.


  • Advanced data visualization tools enable users to create interactive and visually appealing dashboards and reports.
  • Predictive analytics capabilities allow businesses to forecast sales trends, identify opportunities, and mitigate risks.
  • Integration with various data sources, including CRM systems, spreadsheets, and cloud databases, provides a comprehensive view of sales data.
  • Customizable analytics workflows and calculations enable users to perform in-depth analysis and uncover actionable insights.

Who uses it: Tableau’s sales forecasting and analytics capabilities are utilized by sales teams, business analysts, and executives across industries, aiming to gain valuable insights into sales performance and drive strategic decision-making.

Final Thoughts: Tableau’s powerful data visualization and analytics platform empower businesses to unlock the full potential of their sales data. With its advanced visualization tools, predictive analytics capabilities, and seamless integration with various data sources, Tableau enables organizations to forecast sales trends accurately, identify opportunities for growth, and make data-driven decisions that drive sales success.

Pricing: Tableau offers various pricing plans tailored to the needs of different organizations, including individual, team, and enterprise plans. Pricing varies based on factors such as the number of users, deployment options, and additional features. Custom pricing is also available for larger enterprises with specific requirements.

Close Deals Faster with GoodMeetings

Goodmeetings is an AI-powered platform designed to supercharge sales teams, enabling them to improve productivity, streamline processes, and close deals faster. It offers a comprehensive suite of features to optimize sales interactions, enhance performance, and drive revenue growth.

Goodmeetings utilizes advanced AI technology to capture, analyze, and optimize sales meetings in real-time. By seamlessly integrating with existing workflows and tools, it automates mundane tasks, provides actionable insights, and empowers sales reps to deliver exceptional customer experiences.


  • Accelerate Sales Outcomes using AI: Goodmeetings leverages AI to capture meeting intel, including call recordings, high-quality transcriptions, and call analytics. This enables sales teams to gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions to drive sales growth.
  • Automate Processes: With automated action items, human-level summaries, and meeting performance insights, Goodmeetings streamlines workflows and eliminates the drudgery of mundane tasks, allowing sales reps to focus on high-value activities.
  • Close Deals: Goodmeetings offers coaching features, sentiment analytics, and screenshare analytics to enhance sales conversations, improve engagement with prospects, and close deals more effectively.

Goodmeetings is the go-to platform for the 10X sales rep, providing the tools and capabilities needed to supercharge sales teams, improve productivity, and drive revenue growth. With its advanced AI technology, intuitive interface, and seamless integrations, Goodmeetings empowers sales professionals to achieve success and exceed their targets.

Ready to supercharge your sales teams and close deals faster? Book a demo today and start your 7-day free trial! No credit card is required.

Wrapping Up

Sales acceleration is the key to driving revenue growth and achieving success in today’s competitive business landscape. By leveraging the right tools and tactics, businesses can streamline processes, improve productivity, and close deals faster. As you strive to enhance your sales performance, consider incorporating Goodmeetings—an AI-powered platform designed to supercharge your sales process and drive better outcomes. Book a demo today and start your journey towards accelerated sales success.


Speed Up Sales With Goodmeetings!

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