The GoodMeetings snap-in enables you to transform your meetings into actionable items by intelligently aligning discussions with tasks assigned at a user level. It streamlines your workflow, allowing you to focus on business growth and nurturing client relationships


Automated meeting sync

Your meeting recordings and relevant metadata seamlessly integrate into DevRev’s Engagements without any manual input

Fully autonomous to-do list

Each day, wake up to discover your tasks automatically curated based on commitments established in both customer and internal meetings, all within DevRev



​​AI Notetaker by Goodmeetings focuses on recording, transcribing, highlighting key moments, and taking structured notes during a video meeting

Sign up & get a 14-day free trial today!

Main features & functionalities


An AI notetaker in the name of the user’s company/workspace automatically joins all Zoom meetings scheduled via calendar/invited ad hoc. All video, audio & screen-share data captured is in HD quality


Transcriptions of all recorded calls are available after the meeting in the Goodmeetings console. Options to search, edit, copy & play transcripts are also available


Any important moment or insight can be captured during the meeting automatically. Playback and sharing of moments saves a lot of time while reviewing meetings

Meeting Playlist

An AI notetaker in the name of the user’s company/workspace automatically joins all Zoom meetings scheduled via calendar/invited ad hoc. All video, audio & screen-share data captured is in HD quality

Meeting Intelligence

All data captured during a particular video meeting via app (ex: video recording, transcripts, highlights, notes etc.) and related analytics (ex: talk to listen ratio, longest monologue, key topic mentions) are available in a dedicated meeting intelligence page on the Goodmeetings console

CRM & Slack Integration

Push recordings to necessary fields mapped against a RevOrg in DevRev as a ticket. Also, share key moments on Slack with your team

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