What is a Sales Discovery Call? – Questions, Process and Template

A sales discovery call is a crucial step in understanding a potential customer’s needs and preferences. It’s where you dig into their problems, goals, and what they expect.

But figuring out what to ask and how to keep the conversation on track can feel overwhelming. That’s why we have prepared this guide to help you.

We’ll show you a clear way to handle your sales discovery calls. From the questions to ask to the step-by-step process and practical templates, we’ve got you covered.

By following this guide, you’ll gain confidence and clarity in your sales interactions. That means you’ll have a better chance of making strong connections and closing deals successfully.

What Is A Discovery Call?

Source: Goodmeetings

A discovery call is an initial conversation between a salesperson and a potential customer to uncover their needs and preferences. It’s an opportunity to explore the customer’s challenges, goals, and expectations.

During this call, the salesperson aims to gather valuable information that will help tailor their offering to the customer’s specific requirements. By asking targeted questions and actively listening to the customer’s responses, the salesperson gains insights that guide further discussions and potential solutions.

The discovery call sets the foundation for building rapport, understanding the customer’s needs, and ultimately, moving towards a successful sales outcome.

What Makes A Discovery Call So Important?

Before diving into the details, let’s understand why a discovery call holds such significance in the sales process. Here’s why:

  • Understanding: A discovery call helps salespeople really get what the customer needs and what’s bothering them. For example, imagine you’re a car salesperson. During a discovery call, you learn that the customer needs a car for their growing family, but they’re concerned about safety features.
  • Personalization: This call lets salespeople adjust how they talk to fit what the customer needs. For instance, if you’re selling smartphones, you might talk about camera quality if the customer loves photography.
  • Qualification: The call helps figure out if the customer is a good match for what’s being sold. For instance, if you’re selling gardening tools, you might ask if the customer has a garden.
  • Problem-solving: Salespeople can find out what issues the customer has and suggest ways to fix them. If you’re selling home security systems, you might suggest a system that alerts the homeowner if someone tries to break in.
  • Setting expectations: This call makes sure everyone knows what will happen next in the sales process. For example, you might let the customer know you’ll send them a detailed product brochure after the call.
  • Next steps: It lays out what needs to happen next in the sales journey. For instance, if you’re selling software, you might schedule a demo to show the customer how it works.
  • Closing: Finally, the discovery call sets the stage for making deals in the future. It’s like planting seeds that will grow into successful sales.

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What’s The Difference Between A Discovery Call And A Sales Call?

A discovery call and a sales call serve different purposes within the sales process. A discovery call aims to understand customer needs and qualify leads, focusing on rapport-building and information gathering. In contrast, a sales call aims to persuade customers to make a purchase.

AspectDiscovery CallSales Call
PurposeUnderstand customer’s needs, challenges, and goalsPersuade customer to make a purchase
FocusInformation gathering and building rapportPresenting product/service, addressing objections, closing the sale
ApproachAsking open-ended questions, active listeningShowcasing product features, discussing pricing, negotiating terms
OutcomeQualify leads, determine potential fitSecure commitment (e.g., placing an order, signing a contract)

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10 Things to Ensure Before You Begin The Discovery Process

When it comes to sales discovery, ensuring thorough preparation is essential for success. Here’s what you should consider before beginning the sales discovery process:

1. Understand Your Product/Service

Have a deep understanding of what you’re selling, including its features, benefits, and unique selling points. This knowledge will help you tailor your discovery questions to uncover relevant needs and pain points.

2. Research the Prospect

Gather information about the prospect’s business, industry, challenges, and goals. This research allows you to ask informed questions and demonstrate your understanding during the discovery conversation.

3. Clarity of Objectives

Clearly define the objectives of the discovery process, such as understanding the prospect’s pain points, qualifying them as a potential customer, or gathering information to tailor a solution.

4. Prepare Open-Ended Questions

Craft a list of open-ended questions that encourage the prospect to elaborate on their challenges, goals, and needs. These questions should uncover valuable insights and provide opportunities for deeper discussion.

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5. Identify Key Decision Makers

Determine who the key decision-makers and influencers are within the prospect’s organization. Understanding their roles and priorities will help you customize your approach and address their specific concerns.

6. Technology Check

Ensure that your communication tools, whether it’s a phone line or video conferencing software, are in working order. Verify your internet connection stability for virtual calls to avoid interruptions.

7. Time Management

Allocate sufficient time for the discovery call without rushing through the process. Minimize distractions and create a conducive environment for focused conversation.

8. Anticipate Objections

Identify potential objections or concerns the prospect may raise during the discovery process. Prepare responses and solutions to address these objections effectively and build trust with the prospect.

9. Documentation Tools

Ensure access to necessary documentation tools, such as CRM software or note-taking applications, to record important insights, action items, and next steps during the discovery process.

10. Compliance with Ethical Guidelines

Ensure compliance with ethical guidelines and regulations related to data privacy, confidentiality, and professional conduct during the discovery process.

Related: Sales Demo Tips: Delivering Perfect Product Demos Calls

10 Things to Ensure Before You Begin The Discovery Process

When it comes to sales discovery, ensuring thorough preparation is essential for success. Here’s what you should consider before beginning the sales discovery process:

1. Understand Your Product/Service

Have a deep understanding of what you’re selling, including its features, benefits, and unique selling points. This knowledge will help you tailor your discovery questions to uncover relevant needs and pain points.

2. Research the Prospect

Gather information about the prospect’s business, industry, challenges, and goals. This research allows you to ask informed questions and demonstrate your understanding during the discovery conversation.

3. Clarity of Objectives

Clearly define the objectives of the discovery process, such as understanding the prospect’s pain points, qualifying them as a potential customer, or gathering information to tailor a solution.

4. Prepare Open-Ended Questions

Craft a list of open-ended questions that encourage the prospect to elaborate on their challenges, goals, and needs. These questions should uncover valuable insights and provide opportunities for deeper discussion.

Related: ChatGPT for Sales: 10 Ways to Boost Your Sales Revenue Using ChatGPT

5. Identify Key Decision Makers

Determine who the key decision-makers and influencers are within the prospect’s organization. Understanding their roles and priorities will help you customize your approach and address their specific concerns.

6. Technology Check

Ensure that your communication tools, whether it’s a phone line or video conferencing software, are in working order. Verify your internet connection stability for virtual calls to avoid interruptions.

7. Time Management

Allocate sufficient time for the discovery call without rushing through the process. Minimize distractions and create a conducive environment for focused conversation.

8. Anticipate Objections

Identify potential objections or concerns the prospect may raise during the discovery process. Prepare responses and solutions to address these objections effectively and build trust with the prospect.

9. Documentation Tools

Ensure access to necessary documentation tools, such as CRM software or note-taking applications, to record important insights, action items, and next steps during the discovery process.

10. Compliance with Ethical Guidelines

Ensure compliance with ethical guidelines and regulations related to data privacy, confidentiality, and professional conduct during the discovery process.

Related: Sales Demo Tips: Delivering Perfect Product Demos Calls

10 Steps to Running A Great Discovery Call

Running a successful discovery call involves several key phases:

Source: Goodmeetings

1. Preparation

Before the call, thoroughly research the prospect, their industry, and their pain points. Prepare a list of open-ended questions to guide the conversation and ensure you have all necessary materials and technology ready.

2. Introduction and Rapport Building

Begin the call by introducing yourself and establishing rapport with the prospect. Build a friendly and trustworthy connection to create a comfortable environment for open discussion.

3. Agenda Setting

Outline the purpose and agenda of the call to set clear expectations. Let the prospect know what topics you’ll cover and how long the call is expected to last.

4. Questioning and Active Listening

Ask open-ended questions to encourage the prospect to share their challenges, goals, and needs. Practice active listening, paying close attention to their responses and asking follow-up questions to delve deeper into their requirements.

5. Exploration and Discovery

Dive deeper into the prospect’s responses to uncover valuable insights and understand their pain points and priorities. Explore various aspects of their business or situation to gain a comprehensive understanding.

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6. Educate and Advise

Based on the information gathered, provide relevant insights, advice, and potential solutions to address the prospect’s challenges. Position yourself as a trusted advisor by offering valuable guidance and expertise.

7. Handling Objections

Address any concerns or objections raised by the prospect with confidence and empathy. Listen to their objections carefully, acknowledge their concerns, and provide reassurance or clarification as needed.

8. Confirm Understanding

Summarize the key points discussed during the call to ensure mutual understanding and alignment. Clarify any misunderstandings and confirm that you’re on the same page regarding their needs and objectives.

9. Next Steps

Outline the next steps in the sales process, including any follow-up actions or additional meetings. Set clear expectations for the prospect regarding what will happen next and how you’ll proceed.

10. Follow-up

After the call, send a follow-up email summarizing the discussion, reiterating key points, and confirming any agreed-upon next steps. Maintain regular communication and continue nurturing the relationship with the prospect as you move forward in the sales process.

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15 Discovery Questions to Ask Every Prospect

When conducting a discovery call, asking the right questions is essential to understanding your prospect’s needs and challenges. Here are a few best practices to consider:

Source: Goodmeetings

Source: Canva

1. Can you tell me about your company and its primary goals?

This question helps you understand the prospect’s business context, including their industry, size, and strategic objectives, which informs how your solution can align with their goals.

2. What challenges or pain points are you currently experiencing in your business?

By identifying the prospect’s pain points, you can tailor your solution to address their specific needs and demonstrate how your product or service can provide value.

3. How do you currently address [specific challenge relevant to your product/service]?

Understanding the prospect’s current approach to addressing their challenges provides insights into potential gaps or inefficiencies that your solution can address.

4. What prompted you to seek a solution like ours at this time?

Learning about the prospect’s triggers for seeking a solution helps you understand their sense of urgency and the specific circumstances driving their interest in your product or service.

5. Who are the key stakeholders involved in the decision-making process?

Identifying key decision-makers and influencers ensures that you engage with the right individuals throughout the sales process and address their concerns and priorities.

6. What criteria are you using to evaluate potential solutions or vendors?

Understanding the prospect’s evaluation criteria allows you to tailor your messaging and positioning to highlight the aspects of your solution that are most important to them.

7. What outcomes or results are you hoping to achieve with a solution like ours?

By clarifying the prospect’s desired outcomes, you can demonstrate how your solution can help them achieve their goals and quantify the potential value of your offering.

8. How do you measure success in addressing [specific challenge]?

Learning about the prospect’s success metrics helps you align your solution with their performance objectives and demonstrate ROI in terms that resonate with them.

9. What are your expectations in terms of timeline and implementation for a solution?

Understanding the prospect’s timeline and implementation requirements helps you manage expectations and plan accordingly, ensuring a smooth transition to your solution.

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10. Can you walk me through your budgeting process for this initiative?

Learning about the prospect’s budgeting process helps you understand their financial constraints and determine the feasibility of your solution within their budgetary constraints.

11. Have you tried similar solutions in the past? If so, what worked well and what didn’t?

By learning from the prospect’s past experiences, you can tailor your approach to address their concerns and highlight the unique advantages of your solution compared to alternatives.

12. What concerns or objections do you have about implementing a solution like ours?

Identifying and addressing the prospect’s concerns or objections early in the sales process helps you build trust and credibility by demonstrating empathy and providing reassurance.

13. How do you envision the onboarding and training process for your team?

Understanding the prospect’s onboarding and training needs helps you anticipate potential implementation challenges and provide support and guidance to ensure a successful transition.

14. What level of ongoing support or service are you expecting post-implementation?

Learning about the prospect’s expectations for post-implementation support helps you tailor your service offerings and ensure that their ongoing needs are met after the sale.

15. What other stakeholders or departments should be involved in our discussions moving forward?

Identifying additional stakeholders or departments ensures that you have a comprehensive understanding of the prospect’s organization and can engage with all relevant parties throughout the sales process.

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The Do’s And Don’ts of Discovery Calls

Do’s of Sales Discovery Calls

  • Prepare Thoroughly: Research the prospect’s business, industry, and challenges beforehand to ask informed questions.
  • Active Listening: Listen attentively to the prospect’s responses without interrupting, allowing them to fully express their needs and concerns.
  • Ask Open-ended Questions: Encourage the prospect to provide detailed insights by asking open-ended questions that prompt discussion.
  • Clarify and Probe: Clarify ambiguous responses and probe deeper to uncover underlying motivations and priorities.
  • Empathize and Validate: Demonstrate empathy by acknowledging the prospect’s challenges and validating their concerns to build rapport.
  • Educate and Inform: Provide relevant insights and information to position yourself as a trusted advisor and resource for the prospect.
  • Share Success Stories: Illustrate the value of your solution by sharing relevant success stories or case studies.
  • Address Objections Constructively: Anticipate objections and address them constructively, providing solutions and reassurance where possible.
  • Collaborative Problem-solving: Collaborate with the prospect to explore potential solutions that address their challenges effectively.
  • Establish Next Steps: Summarize key takeaways, agree on next steps, and set clear expectations for follow-up actions.

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Don’ts of Sales Discovery Calls

  • Don’t Monopolize the Conversation: Avoid dominating the conversation and allow the prospect sufficient time to share their thoughts and concerns.
  • Avoid Yes/No Questions: Steer clear of questions that elicit only yes or no responses, as they limit the depth of the conversation.
  • Don’t Make Assumptions: Refrain from making assumptions about the prospect’s needs or challenges without seeking clarification.
  • Avoid Pushy Sales Tactics: Steer clear of aggressive or pushy sales tactics that can alienate the prospect and damage rapport.
  • Don’t Oversell: Avoid overselling your product or service during the discovery phase, as it may come across as insincere or premature.
  • Avoid Jargon: Minimize the use of technical jargon or industry-specific terms that may confuse or overwhelm the prospect.
  • Don’t Neglect Follow-up: Avoid neglecting follow-up actions or failing to follow through on commitments made during the call.
  • Don’t Disregard Non-verbal Cues: Pay attention to the prospect’s tone of voice and body language for cues about their level of engagement and receptiveness.
  • Avoid Overlooking Key Stakeholders: Ensure that all key stakeholders are involved in the discussion or at least informed about the outcomes of the call.
  • Don’t Rush the Process: Avoid rushing through the discovery process; take the time to thoroughly understand the prospect’s needs and concerns.

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How Long Should a Discovery Call Last?

The ideal duration of a discovery call can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the prospect’s needs, the number of stakeholders involved, and the depth of discussion required. However, a typical discovery call usually ranges from 30 minutes to 60 minutes.

Here’s a breakdown of what to consider when determining the length of a discovery call:

  • Complexity of Needs
  • Number of Stakeholders
  • Depth of Discussion
  • Respect for Time
  • Agenda and Objectives

Ultimately, the goal of a discovery call is to gather essential information, uncover insights, and lay the groundwork for a productive sales engagement. The duration of the call should support these objectives while also respecting the prospect’s time and maintaining their engagement. If necessary, additional discussions or follow-up calls can be scheduled to delve deeper into specific topics or address any outstanding questions or concerns.

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Example of a Discovery Call Script

SR: Hello Sarah, thank you for your time today. I’m David from Tech Solutions. How’s your day?

P: Hi David, it’s going well, thanks.

SR: Before we start, could you tell me about BrightApp Technologies and your role there?

P: Sure. I’m Sarah, a project manager. We specialize in mobile apps.

SR: What challenges are you facing in your projects?

P: Managing timelines and scope creep mostly.

SR: How are you currently managing that?

P: Using project management software, but it’s not solving everything.

SR: Understandable. What made you explore solutions like ours?

P: We’re growing, and we need something more robust.

SR: Who’s involved in the decision-making process?

P: Our CEO, head of operations, and my team leads.

SR: What are your main criteria for evaluating solutions?

P: Comprehensive tracking, customizable workflows, and integration with our existing tools.

SR: Got it. What outcomes are you hoping for?

P: Streamlined workflows and better collaboration.

SR: Your timeline for implementation?

P: Within the next three to six months ideally.

SR: Any concerns or objections about our solution?

P: Not at the moment.

SR: Great. Based on our discussion, I think we can help. Would you be open to a follow-up to explore further?

P: Absolutely.

SR: Perfect. I’ll send over some times. Thanks again, Sarah.

P: Thank you, David. Looking forward to it.

SR: Likewise. Have a great day!

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Discovery Call Template


  • Greet the prospect warmly.
  • Introduce yourself and your company.
  • Confirm the prospect’s availability and readiness to proceed with the call.

Company Overview

  • Ask the prospect to provide a brief overview of their company.
  • Inquire about their industry, target market, and primary objectives.

Challenges and Pain Points

  • Prompt the prospect to discuss any specific challenges or pain points they are currently facing.
  • Encourage them to elaborate on how these challenges are impacting their business.

Current Solutions and Processes

  • Ask about the prospect’s current solutions or processes for addressing their challenges.
  • Inquire about the effectiveness of these solutions and any limitations they may have encountered.

Motivation for Exploring Solutions

  • Understand what prompted the prospect to explore solutions like ours at this time.
  • Explore the driving factors behind their decision to seek a new solution.

Decision-Making Process

  • Identify key stakeholders involved in the decision-making process.
  • Determine the criteria and factors the prospect will consider when evaluating potential solutions.

Desired Outcomes

  • Discuss the outcomes or results the prospect hopes to achieve with a solution like ours.
  • Clarify their expectations and success criteria for implementing a new solution.

Timeline and Implementation Expectations

  • Determine the prospect’s timeline for selecting and implementing a solution.
  • Understand their expectations for the implementation process and timeline.

Concerns and Objections

  • Address any concerns or objections the prospect may have about implementing a solution like ours.
  • Provide reassurance and clarification where needed.

Next Steps

  • Summarize key takeaways from the call.
  • Confirm any action items or follow-up tasks.
  • Schedule a follow-up call or meeting to discuss the solution in more detail.

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How Can Goodmeetings Improve Your Discovery Calls?

Source: Goodmeetings

Goodmeetings is a smart tool that records and transcribes sales meetings using advanced AI. It helps sales teams by simplifying processes and boosting productivity.

Here’s how it aids in sales discovery calls:

1. Recording Calls

  • Goodmeetings records sales discovery calls, ensuring that every detail and nuance of the conversation is captured accurately.
  • Sales reps can focus on engaging with the prospect without worrying about taking extensive notes, as the entire conversation is recorded for later reference.

2. Transcribing Meeting

  • After the call, Goodmeetings transcribes the conversation into text format, providing a written record of the discussion.
  • Sales reps can easily review the transcript to refresh their memory on specific points discussed during the discovery call.

3. Analyzing Performance

  • Goodmeetings analyzes the call data, providing insights into sales performance metrics such as talk time, engagement levels, and response patterns.
  • Sales managers can use these analytics to evaluate the effectiveness of their sales reps’ discovery techniques and identify areas for improvement.

4. Providing Insights

  • By analyzing the content of the conversation, Goodmeetings can identify key topics, pain points, and objections raised by the prospect during the discovery call.
  • Sales reps can leverage these insights to tailor their follow-up strategies and address the prospect’s specific needs more effectively.

5. Coaching and Training Support

  • Goodmeetings offers coaching and training support by allowing sales managers to review recorded discovery calls.
  • Managers can provide feedback and guidance to sales reps based on their performance during the call, helping them refine their skills and techniques.
  • Sales teams can also use recorded calls as training resources for new hires, allowing them to learn from real-life examples and best practices demonstrated during successful discovery calls.

6. Streamlining Workflows

  • Goodmeetings integrates seamlessly with existing CRM systems, allowing sales reps to automatically log call details and update customer records without manual input.
  • This integration streamlines the workflow and reduces administrative overhead, enabling sales reps to focus their time and energy on building relationships and closing deals.

Impressed with Goodmeetings’s capabilities? You can opt for a 7-day free trial to see how the tool improves your overall sales discovery process.


Want to Make Successful Sales Discovery Calls?
Try Goodmeetings!

Wrapping Up

A Sales Discovery Call is an essential step in understanding a prospect’s needs and challenges. It involves asking insightful questions to uncover valuable information, following a structured process to guide the conversation effectively. With Goodmeetings, sales teams can streamline discovery calls by recording, transcribing, and analyzing conversations, ultimately leading to more informed decision-making and improved sales outcomes.

Streamline Your Discovery Calls With Goodmeetings!

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