If your organization is the kind that needs to interact with customers of voice, messaging and video at different points in time, then RingCentral is the way to go! Why? Because Ring Central offers an integrated voice, video and messaging service that is hosted on the cloud. So you only deal with one system and there is a single source of data.
However, if your organization needs to interact with customers primarily over video, just go with Zoom. Its popularity in the video meetings tools category made Zoom subscriber base skyrocket by a whopping 354% during the pandemic. But issues like Zoom-bombing and other data protection concerns made a lot of large enterprises move away from Zoom. If you have large corporate clients who drive most of your revenue, please check with their IT departments about their policies for both these systems.

Looking at the feature stack, the space of video meeting tools is almost commodified. Similar standards are maintained by most players on video quality, adjustable screen views & virtual backgrounds for seamless meetings.
RingCentral’s native calendaring is a standout. Zoom has an edge in team collaboration (from whiteboarding to instant file sync & version control) and access to a great marketplace for integrations. Its large user community also contributes to superior product related documentation for support and bug fixes.

Now considering that both these companies are big, they are each vying for a great review from large tech pundits. Surprise surprise they both have stellar endorsements. So where does that leave you, pretty much right where you started. So let’s look at what remains hidden in the subtext but can swing your preferences to the extremes.
It’s pricing. RingCentral has plans that start with just voice and messaging ! Yup, that’s right! Video only comes as part of higher plans. Now that gives you an idea of RingCentral’s bread and butter. To be fair, Zoom also has a Voice + Chat + Video option but its at the fag end of the pricing page. Ultimately these two giants are fighting for overlapping markets. So which one do you choose, simple. The basic plan that needs all your needs.
Messaging + Voice + a basic video = Ring Central.
A great video tool only to host meetings and webinars = Zoom.
The one common thread in video meetings tools like Ring Central and Zoom is that their product roadmaps prioritize high quality user experiences in video. What value can be extracted from goldmine of video data after meetings are over is a missed opportunity not tackled so far. For example: once a meeting is recorded, Zoom allows you to upload videos on the cloud (which are relatively harder & time consuming to archive, index & access). Select plans of RingCentral do give the option to record meeting snippets but once again they have to uploaded on a YouTube channel separately to access.
This means that once the meeting is over, only dumb video data is available in both these platforms. So, if you are out there gunning for a better product to make sense of video meetings data to derive tangible business benefits, give us a call.
In case you have slightest of confusion about Google Meets & Zoom, read this blog where we have given a clear cut differentiations between the both.

We are GoodMeetings. We apply intelligence to video, audio & screen-share data captured in the meetings to help you achieve your goals. From enabling precision remote inspections to improving sales metrics, we have a solution that you can use. Beyond immersive video meeting experiences & team collaboration, our focus is on leveraging video meeting data to help teams hit their quotas.
PS: There are plenty of people who are splitting hairs on Zoom Vs RingCentral. Here are some of the links if you would like a feature by feature comparison.